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Easter TCP News


Dear all,

We hope this finds you well and enjoying the Easter season.

We are desperately sad to let you know that Eunice Maina, our wonderful TCP cleaner passed away on Sunday 24th March. She had been very sick with TB for over a month but we had really hoped that she would pull through and get stronger. Eunice was a very quiet, shy, member of the TCP community, whom many of you may not have met. You will, however, recognise her husband in the photo - Michael Maina - our groundsman. Their family live onsite at TCP with their beautiful boys (the twins, who were babies in this photo, are now 11 and their other lastborn son is 8). We hope that you will join with us in praying for their family in this difficult time. If any of you would like to pass on a message to the family, do get in touch.

In other news, TCP is about to close for three weeks. We have been able to give out new school uniform to some of our most needy children. We think they look great! We aim to give out more uniform over the coming months. If any of you would like to donate specifically to this great cause, please get in touch.

Finally, below is a lovely photo of Eunice, which was used for her funeral program last week. Please keep their family in your hearts over the coming months.

Warm regards, Rachel and the TCP team

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