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prayerful support

We so appreciate the prayers of our supporters across the world. The best way to know our news and how you can be praying for us is to sign up to our newsletter, which you can do at the bottom of this page, and like our Facebook page. You can also read our latest newsletter here.

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financial support

If you would like to start giving financially to support the ongoing work of Turi Children's Project, either as a single donation or standing order, please fill in the form below and we will get back to you with instructions to set this up.

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practical support

There are lots of ways you can support us practically! If you are interested in coming to visit TCP, sending us some needed items, or have your own idea of how you could support us, we'd love to hear from you. Fill in the form below, or use it to ask any questions, and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

Thanks for submitting!

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